Magento 2 extension customer documents

  • Admin Document Categories List
  • Admin Document Category Add
  • Admin Document Category Added
  • Admin Document List
  • Admin Document Edit
  • Admin Document Edit Customers Tab

Functional overview

  • Uploading of documents for customers
  • Assign name, description and file per document
  • Restrict the documents by customer groups & customers
  • Send email to the customer when they got a new customer document
  • Configuration option, whether to encrypt download links
  • Using CSV import for importing the documents
  • Using REST API to automate the functionality via HTTP
  • Using SOAP API to automate the functionality via XML

Efficient Document Management for Your Magento 2 Store

With our Magento 2 Document Management Module from MageB2B, you can efficiently manage and organize your documents. Easily upload, edit, and share documents to enhance collaboration and optimize business processes.

Key Features of the Magento 2 Document Management Module:

  • Document Management: Manage your documents effortlessly by uploading and categorizing them directly in the Magento 2 backend.
  • Access Control: Set access rights for individual users or groups, ensuring that only authorized persons can access specific documents.
  • Email Notifications: Automatically notify your customers via email when a new document is available.
  • Frontend Integration: Customers can view and download documents directly in their user account in the frontend of your store.
  • CSV Import Export [Add-On]: Easily upload documents via CSV and save time managing large data volumes.
  • SOAP / REST API Interface [Add-On]: Use the API to conveniently transfer documents via interface (e.g., as Base64 String) and seamlessly integrate document management into your existing systems.

Application Examples:

  • Quotes and Invoices: Transmit quotes or invoices to your customers and ensure they can access them at any time.
  • Product Documentation: Provide product documentation to comprehensively inform your customers.
  • Contract Documents: Upload contract documents and enable your customers to view them at any time.

Document Settings:

  • Document Name
  • Description
  • Document Category (unlimited categories can be created)
  • Publicly Available (document can be downloaded via direct link)
  • Password Protection (document password-protected)
  • Display in Sidebar
  • Email Notification: Notify all assigned customers
  • Access Restriction by Customers and Customer Groups

System Configuration Settings:

  • Enable in Frontend (per website)
  • Upload Path in Magento 2 Media Folder
  • Allowed File Extensions (e.g., PDF, JPG, JPEG)
  • Email Sender & Template for New Document Notification
  • CC Recipient for Email Notifications
  • BCC Recipient for Email Notifications

Optimize Your Document Management Today

Integrate our Magento 2 Document Management Module into your store and benefit from efficient, centralized management of your business documents. Contact us for more information and see how this powerful tool can transform your eCommerce business.

  • 100% Open Source
  • Stable and mature software solution
  • Big discount in comparison to creating this extension individually
  • Customizing and further adaptation on request
  • With a yearly support fee you get guaranteed support, updates and upgrades
  • Easy update through composer
  • Extensive documentation

We are offering additional services:

  • Installation service
  • Support package for updates & upgrades (6 or 12 months selectable)
  • Custom delevopment from your request (RFQ)
  • Development of a custom extension regarding your needs

Please fill out the following information in order to receive the credentials for our demo environment. You will automatically receive them to the email address provided.

For how many Magento instances one license is valid ?

Your license is valid for one Magento installation, including scopes (store views, websites ect.).
In addition to this, you can install our extensions on various development- or staging server.

Is the installation included in the price ?

The installation is not included in the price. When you purchase you can opt to an installation service for sure.
We are happy to give you a service to integrate our extensions in your system.

What payment methods are available for purchasing the extensions ?

We offer Credit Card (by Stripe) as well as Bank transfer (prepayment).

How's the order process going?

After paying by Credit Card you will immediately get the credentials to download the extension via composer. As for payment by bank transfer, you will receive the credentials once the invoice has been paid.

I need a specific customization of your extension

We are one of the fewest service provider which are offering customizations towards our extensions. Herefore, we create a new internal version of our extension to give you an excellent support and consider the made customizations for ongoing support requests.

Can I install a demo version before purchasing on my local machine ?

As we have no influence on the use once the extension is installed on your system, we can not offer you a local demo version. We keep our demo system, however, always up to date and invite you to test the extension completely on our demo system.

What's about your update policy ?

You can book the support package for your order. With this support package you also get other support around the extension. Included in the support package are updates for your selected Magento version.

I already have a license. How can I perform an update?

You can easily book an update with a credit card.

Simply use the following link.

I have another question - how can I get in touch with you ?

Just send us an email.

customerdocuments [1.1.5] - 2024-07-22


  • Updated
customerdocuments [1.1.4] - 2024-05-17


  • Added patch to add General category if it doesnt exist (to avoid issue when accessing category grid in admin with empty categories)
customerdocuments [1.1.3] - 2024-04-22


  • PHP 8.2 compatibility bugfixes


  • Improved email template
customerdocuments [1.1.2] - 2024-03-06


  • PHP docs
customerdocuments [1.1.1] - 2023-09-24


  • Added search filter for searching customer documents in frontend
customerdocuments [1.1.0] - 2023-08-29


  • Added a store config "Enable Sidebar" - only if store config is enabled, sidebar block will be rendered


  • Fixed various issues around grid filter, added category dropdown filter instead of text
  • Fixed mass action delete on grid
customerdocuments [1.0.11] - 2023-03-03


  • Added a button "resync upload path" to resync the upload path after changed, so every file will be moved automatically
customerdocuments [1.0.10] - 2023-01-24


  • replaced setFrom() method with setFromByScope()


  • Field updated_at added
  • Added password on document grid


  • Composer.json bugfixes

Please note: The license is usable for staging- and development environments without restrictions.



Magento 2 CE/EE (2.4.x)